Saturday, 15 August 2015

SOUL~MATE(S): LOVE Is A HUSTLE...I Gotta Bling With The Right One(s)!


                                                 The Seasoned SOUL~

                                                 Up and about its mechanic,
                                                 But mystic facade...

                                                  What could happen next?

                                                 The virgin soul awaited an encore,
                                                 The seasoned soul was off;

                                                  Looking for its next.

                                                                              ( Urmila )

LIFE hangs on delicate dynamic vibrations.
And these vibrations resonate with the sonic integrity of I AM,

That I AM.

"And God said, Let Us make man in Our image and likeness: and let them have 
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon The Earth.

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created HE, him;
male and female created HE, them.

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish
The Earth..." ( Genesis 1: 26-28 )

"And God said..." is the SOUND of CREATION:
That undeniable, intrinsic musical quality that pervades the entire Universe.

The Sonic Seed.

At a molecular level, all life - male or female - dances to this Creative Sound.
You can call it the Music of the Universe.

Generally-speaking, what seems to differ is - the variance of "notes": attributable to The Fall.
As a matter of supernatural pronouncement.

"Behold, the Man has become like one of Us, knowing Good and Evil". ( Genesis 3: 22 )
"Come, let Us go down, and there, confuse their language". ( Genesis 11: 7 )

Dis-concordant or Dis-harmonious notes.

Specifically-speaking, the variance of "notes" depends on the uniqueness of each person or gender.
As a matter of natural endowment or Persona.

Different Frequency or Quality of notes.

"Let Us make..." is the SOUND of RELATIONSHIP:
That unmistakable Law of Relativity.

Connectivity or Cause-and-Effect.

On a simplistic level, the Laws of Nature depend for Creativity on Connexions.
Which is to say that, for humans to create anything on this material plane, the Sonic Seed 
must be planted on the fertile soil of Minds operating at a Similar Frequency.

On a deeper level, Creations by humans will depend on Connexions that are Concordant.
I mean, the partners must resonate with each other on both the natural and supernatural planes.

And the ultimate result will be Harmony.

It is not surprising therefore, that by  "vibrating" with a "sympathetic ear" to the tuning-fork 
of his divine being, a certain scientist heard a fundamental "note" from the Laws of Nature:

The Theory of Relativity ( E=mc2 ).

"The Theory of Relativity occurred to me by intuition, and Music is the driving force behind this
intuition....My new discovery is the result of Musical Perception".

This was quoted by Einstein, a Nobel-Prize Physicist of German-Jew-American extraction, founder
of the epoch-making Theory of Relativity.

It was cited by Shinichi Suzuki, a Nobel-prize nominee of Japanese nationality, during a presentation 
titled: "Nurtured by Love: A New Approach to Education" ( 1969 ).

The Book of Creation, The Genesis, is a template or blueprint.
For beginnings.

Creativity is sponsored by an aching heart, an Inner Dialogue.

It's a lonesome hunger to create something new, that initiates a man's sojourn into the 
world of Sacred Sound, containing a Blueprint.

The Sonic Seed.

The man seeks a link or Connexion(s) that can listen, with a "sympathetic ear" to his conversation;
which is the sharing of his Sonic Seed.

And that person or group of persons must function, with a similar frequency or wavelength with the protagonist; both naturally and supernaturally - in other to appreciate this Inner Dialogue.

Of course, the outcome is Harmony and Peace.

An American hip-hop artiste and business mogul, Shawn Carter once coined a hook entitled: 
"Can I Live?"

                                                 I'm far from being God,
                                                 But I work godamn hard.

                                                 Look what I embody,
                                                 The Soul of A HUSTLER.

                                                 Without the Work,
                                                 The magic won't come;

                                                 Either love me
                                                 Or leave me alone.
                                                 He who does not 
                                                 [ F-e-e-l M-e ]

                                                 Is not real to me.

                                                                ( Jay-Z )

Frederick Douglas' love was simple.
Looking forward, he nestled within his bosom, the seed of freedom:

"The Soul that's within me, no man can despise."
"Will not a righteous God visit for these things?"

Believe it or not, Frederick Douglas was a hustler.


                                                Oppression is often the consequence,
                                                But seldom or never the means of riches.

                                                And though avarice will preserve a man,
                                                From being necessitously poor;

                                                It generally makes him too timorous 
                                                To be wealthy.

                                                                            ( Thomas Paine )

You wanna hustle?

If you do, you gotta be like David - and kick the hell out of Goliath's ass!
And ask the rest, "who are you, uncircumcised philistines?"

In 1776, Thomas Paine's love was simple: free the American Mind from oppression.

He is an American founding father, who in the hey-day of the American Revolution
played the role of a hustler.

In 2015, Thomas Paine's pamphlets: Common Sense and The Rights of Man would
relegate to nought, any argument against the human plague of Racism or White Supremacy.

                                                Male and Female
                                                Are the distinctions of Nature;

                                                Good and Bad,
                                                The distinctions of Heaven.

                                                But how a race of men came into the world;
                                                So exalted above the rest;

                                                And distinguished like some new species,
                                                Is worth enquiring into;

                                                And whether they are the means 
                                                Of happiness or misery to MANKIND.

                                                                                 ( Thomas Paine )

I don't bluff, because I don't play poker - at least, not for the "dough".
No, not for the money.

I want to be real, yet seem unreal to the world - 

Why? Because I am only human.

I'm looking out for me, yet I'm looking out for you;
Yes, all at the same time!

And you know, like I know, that it ain't easy - not that easy.
Right? Because it's a struggle.

For man, since The Fall in Eden, you gotta eat "by the sweat of the brow";
Well, that's Life, it's like you're in the ring with Muhammed Ali - A Rumble in the Jungle!

The Soul knows it all: the Pain and the Joy.

A man's eyes are the "mirror of the world".
Take a look: I bet you'd never forget what you see!

His ears? Ah, there you have "the window to his universe"!
If you listen very well, you'll hear his heart beating to the rhythm of life.

There ain't no man alive, and I include without any doubt the wo-man; who'd not remember.
I mean, Life.

How so? You ask.

Because the greatest storyteller is neither F. Scott Fitzgerald nor William Faulkner.
It's not Langston Hughes or Paul Laurence Dunbar.

Not even Shakespeare!

It can't be Alice Walker, or Gwendolyn Brooks or even the celebrated poet-queen, Maya Angelou.

Please, don't mention Walt Whitman!

Sorry, I personally have no problems with them. All of them.
If you care to ask me, they are part of my Connexions to the World.

Better put, they're my mentors: they nourish my Sonic Seed.
They are my "vintage" Soul Mates.

Now here's nothing, but the whole truth:

Life is indubitably the greatest storyteller!
My Life therefore becomes my encounter with the universe.

A man's Sonic Seeds or Creative Sparks are like a "Garden of Roses".

And the challenge of living, Life's Struggle, is the inevitable consequence of a Universe that has
been "polluted" by scattered "fields of thorns"!

A man therefore, must protect his "roses" from the "thorns" - that's his daily grind or Hustle.

That's Life, you watch your Sonic Seeds by avoiding the "discordant notes".
The challenge is to build Connexions that would create Harmony and Peace.

To get the cake, is to hustle; but to get the icing on the cake, is to flow.

To be a winner, you cannot hustle and miss the flow.

Sorry bro, that ain't me.
I gotta get both the cake and icing; I mean Hustle & Flow!

For me that's the Bling.
If you like, call it double-bling or bling-bling!

The hustle begins by listening to my own Soul.
The Hustle in my Mind is a disguise for the Love in my Heart.

I wanna do more...maybe, because I wanna give more.
And truly, that's the only way I can be more.

To You and Me, and All of this Universe!

But life is a stranger; and I wonder the kind of blood that flows in my human veins.

I wanna be open...but I can't even say so much; I wanna be loving...even then, your wish is
that I do better.

My desire is to work out my dream, in one lifetime.

And may be...just may be, one can create a legacy that will outlast you and me.
Some creature, some "living thing" that'd surpass more than one lifetime!

I'd like to create lasting connexions, across institutional and national barriers.

If you don't mind, my hustle or Pursuit of Happiness should make your soul and my soul do
the same thing:


                                                You can't slip,
                                                You can't sleep;

                                                One eye open,
                                                For real and forever...

                                                I'd rather die enormous,
                                                Than live dormant!

                                                But the irony of it...
                                                To make the hustle work...
                                                Over the long term;
                                                You have to be A True Artist

                                                                     ( Jay-Z )

My deepest fears are in me; yet my greatest love is to be real.
And to reach the world, the only way I know how.

My dream is big, my hustle is even bigger - waking up 24:00++  and trying to beat a path through the
maze of this old but ever-changing Universe:

To connect with you, heart-and-mind.
And harvest the riches of this vast Universe, as many as they come!

I'm here; at the same time, I'm there. 
I go this way, and also go that way - but the wind of life can never blow my dreams away!

My Supreme Connexion happens to be the Master of this Universe.
That is to say, I'm hanging out with "a jack of All Trades"! 

Why do you think you can suddenly fool me?
At least I know it can't happen; not for the long run.

That's the reason; the only reason you can't put me in a box.

My arguments I leave green.
And deep down, they're your arguments too; if you truly care to resonate with your God-given self. 

And if my dreams suit these arguments, I harbour no fears whatsoever.
Because, in the long run, they will blossom upon the playground of the World.

I'm your non-conformist.

I work when I work, and I play when I play - yet I figure at times, you can't tell
which one from the other, when I do my thing!

Ultimately I know, that it's not how I do it; rather it's whether I do it well, that will make all the

And You know as much as I do, that it's the one that makes the difference that'd count.

Today, I dare to leave my argument in your playground, if you don't mind.

Think about it. 
And I'd feel me...and I hope I'd make that connexion.

With you.

Tomorrow, I may happen on you, face-to-face.
Tomorrow also happens to be the "test of time".

Apart from just my face, would my work resonate with you?
Will you buy My Hustle?

Would we grin from ear-to-ear when we reminisce?
Will you catch My Flow?

For now, I can only wonder and pray.

Nevertheless, I'm your man...waiting; and I'm still...listening to you.
I pray you be, My Soul~Mate.

                                                  I alone cannot change
                                                  The W-O-R-L-D;

                                                  But I can cast a stone
                                                  Across the W-A-T-E-R-S;

                                                 To create many ripples.

                                                        ( Mother Teresa )

There's a man, much like you or me.
Lest I forget, she could even be a woman.

He dwells in suburbia, yet his mind is unsettled.
He rolls with folk in the ghetto, but his mind lives far away.

Yes, his soul knows where he truly belongs.

His aim?
To live his wildest dreams!

Yes, he seems to have options.

But how many choices does the world offer anyone?
Surely not on a platter of gold.

This fellow would rather not hear the "noise" of the world.
And many a time, his friends would wonder if he'd care to sit still, and just watch the sun set.

He is "addicted". There's no doubt about it.
Some by-standers even think he's gone "crazy".

                                                The truth is that when his Mind
                                                 -Was completely gone -

                                                 He had the strangest Thought
                                                 Any lunatic in the world ever had:

                                                 Which was that it seemed Reasonable
                                                 And necessary to him;

                                                  Both for the sake of his HONOUR,
                                                  And as A Service to his NATION,

                                                 - To become A Knight-errant -

                                                  And travel the WORLD,
                                                  With his armour and his horse;

                                                  To seek adventures and engage 
                                                   In Everything he had READ;

                                                  - That Knights-errant engaged in -

                                                   Righting All Manner of Wrongs...

                                                 ( Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote )

She said "I Love You";
Yours truly couldn't even find the words to reply.

He seems so distracted, only his hustle consumes him.
Such is the level of his "addiction".

Dear, sorry.
This guy is not a dope fiend. 

His addiction is neither cocaine nor heroin.
For sure, he's not crazy about "mary-jane"; o-k, marijuana, if that's what'd call it.

"Substance" Abuse is not his business; drug slanging has past his fancy.

Just a little busy, and sunrise turns into moonlight; one day, every day.
He's dealing with the work of his hands.

He's hustling...with the LOVE...of his LIFE.
Yet his beating fast.

Fast. And fast. And fast.

He's find...his SOUL~MATE.
Because that's "The Substance" of his "Addiction"!

The Seed must be sown,the Connexions must be felt, the Dream must be fulfilled.

                                                 I have loved work,
                                                 I have loved people,
                                                 I have loved playing.

                                                 But always,
                                                 I have been uplifted by the thought:

                                                 That what I have done well,
                                                 Will live long to justify My Life;

                                                That what I have done ill
                                                Or never finished;

                                                Can now be handed on to others
                                                For endless days to be finished;

                                                Perhaps than I could have done.

                                                                 ( W.E.B Du Bois )

The hustler needs the "bread", and that he cannot fake.

But the money is meant for more...than just basic sh*t.
He's a Flo' Rider...with the Soul of the Universe to reach.

Love is the ultimate Connexion. I Gotta have the right one(s).

But Love would not come without a pay!
Oh yeah, that's My Hustle.

Finally, the question is:
"How much is A Man's Life worth?"

I alone cannot answer that question.
To do that effectively, I Need SOUL~MATE(S).

God be our Witness.

                                                Smart girls are the ones
                                                That over-think;

                                                The insecure ones,
                                                    - The different ones 

                                                They know what the real world is like,
                                                They analyze every little thing

                                                    - In LIFE 

                                                To avoid getting hurt;

                                                    - To Find HAPPINESS 

                                                They stay up at night,
                                                Trying to think about every possible solution,
                                                To get through all the problems.

                                                They think too much,
                                                They trust less people...

                                                Of course,
                                                They try to live away
                                                From a drama-filled life.

                                                Smart girls know their worth,
                                                Now that's the ones worth

                                                    - Keeping by your side.

                                                                        ( Drake )

Thank You.

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