"MUSIC can change the WORLD", said Ludwig van Beethoven, a maestro.
"BLACK MUSIC IS THE SOUNDTRACK TO OUR LIVES, reflecting some of the most exquisite and, at times, excruciating moments we've experienced INDIVIDUALLY and COLLECTIVELY", says Rhonda Nicole, a Music Journalist and independent singer/songwriter.
The Celebration of African-American Music was initiated as "Black Music Month" in 1979, under law, during the tenure of former President Jimmy Carter. This was the result of the profound interest of Kenny Gamble, Ed Wright and Dyana Williams to set apart, a special month, to acknowledge the rich history and billion-dollar multicultural impact of blacks in the music industry.
It honors the Legacy of African-American Songwriters, Composers, Singers, and professional Musicians. It re-visits the Root-Genres of the Blues, Jazz, Soul, and Rock n Roll.
And re-examines SOUNDS, Old Styles and INNOVATIVE RHYTHYMS.
"The Legacy tells A STORY of INGENUITY and FAITH. Amidst the injustice of slavery, African-Americans lifted their VOICES to the HEAVENS through SPIRITUALS. These religious music helped sustain them through one of the darkest periods in Our H-I-S-T-O-R-Y", affirms President Barack Obama.
Re-christened "African-American Music Appreciation Month" by Obama in 2009, it also focuses on Unique Instruments, varying Musical Technology and Historical Performances that capture the Diversity of the American Nation.
"The Music of our Nation has ALWAYS spoken to the conditions of Our People and reflected the Diversity of Our Nation. African-American Musicians, Composers, Singers, and Song-Writers have made enormous contributions to Our Culture, by capturing the hardships and aspirations of a community and reminding us of OUR SHARED VALUES", he re-affirms.
In this JUNE, 2015 A.D, WE HONOR the Sacrifices, the Dedication and the Craft of so many talented Negroes in America, who created A S-O-U-N-D never to be duplicated; and STILL L-I-V-I-N-G in the S-O-U-L-S of men and women, in the United States and the Diaspora.
MOTOWN, for instance.
"By honoring the T*I*M*E*L*E*S*S SOUNDS that define Our PAST and help to transform Our FUTURE, WE Celebrate not only the musicians who move us, but also the S*P*I*R*I*T of RESILIENCE and RE-NEWAL they embody...toward A MORE INCLUSIVE and MORE EQUAL T*O*M*O*R*R*O*M", concludes Barack Obama.
Finally, we must never forget!
That though the negro is stereotyped as wayward and a never-do well, by the antecedents of violent relationships and the so-called "baby-mama dramas" ( or single parenthood ); blackness is not all about chaos.
L*O*V*E has brought them thus far, and it will certainly take them ...to their destination.
African-American SONGS and MELODIES will continue to fortify the courage of Our HUSTLE and impel us toward "THINKING that ?impossible DREAM".
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