"If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of TOMORROW."
( John Dewey )
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty MIND with an OPEN one."
( Malcolm Forbes )
"A WISE man can LEARN from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."
( Bruce Lee )
"Education breeds CONFIDENCE. Confidence breeds HOPE. Hope breeds PEACE."
( Confucius )
"Don't just teach kids to read, teach them to QUESTION what they READ. Teach them to QUESTION EVERYTHING."
( George Carlin )
"My mother said I have to be INTOLERANT of IGNORANCE, but UNDERSTANDING of ILLITERACY. That some people unable to go to school, were more intelligent than college professors."
( Maya Angelou )
"In school, I encountered AUTHORITY of a DIFFERENT KIND than I had encountered before and I didn't like it. And they really almost got me. They came close to really beating any CURIOSITY out of me."
( Steve Jobs )
"EXCELLENCE will give you ACCESS to the HIGH PLACES of The EARTH. Excellence will give you access to places of Power, Influence and Authority."
( Paul Enenchie )
"The BEST PLACE to live on Earth is not Abuja, Port-Harcourt, Lagos, America, Australia, London or anywhere in Europe. The best place to live ON EARTH is inside the PURPOSE of YOUR CREATION."
( Paul Enenchie )
"CHAMPIONS aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have DEEP INSIDE them - a desire, a DREAM, a VISION. They have to be a little faster, they have to have the SKILL and the WILL. But the Will MUST BE STRONGER than the Skill."
( Mohammad Ali )
"The MOST IMPORTANT thing is A PERSON. A person who INCITES your CURIOSITY; and FEEDS your CURIOSITY; and machines cannot do that in the same way that people can."
( Steve Jobs )
"The function of education is to teach one to THINK intensively and to think critically. INTELLIGENCE plus CHARACTER - that is the GOAL of TRUE Education"
( Martin Luther King, Jr )
"If we encouter A MAN of rare INTELLECT, we should ask him what BOOKS he reads."
( Ralph W. Emerson )
"Education is not to reform students or amuse them or make them expert technicians. It is to UNSETTLE their MINDS, WIDEN their HORIZONS, INFLAME their INTELLECT, teach them to THINK straight if possible."
( Robert M. Hutchings )
"All my WORK, my LIFE, EVERYTHING I DO is about SURVlVAL; not just bare, awful, plodding survival, but SURVIVAL with GRACE and FAITH. While one may encounter many defeats, one must NOT BE DEFEATED."
( Maya Angelou )
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